Andrij Babytsch
Recent Paintings
October 11 - December 1, 2002
Gallery Hours 12-6pm Tues-Sunday

An exhibit of Mr Babytsch's new work will be on display at the Ukrainian Institute of America - 2 East 79th Street (5th Avenue) from Saturday, October 11th through Sunday, December 1st 2002. An opening reception will be held on Friday, October 11th from 6:00-9:00 p.m; gallery hours are 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily (closed on Monday).
ARTISTS BIOGRAPHY: Born in Ukraine in 1921; has lived in Canada since 1948. Studied art at the University of Innsbruck, Austria (1946-1948) and the Ontario College of Art, Toronto (1953-1958). Active in the Ukrainian community - was president of the "Kozub" Literary Society (1985-1996) and, since 1994, has been President of the Ukrainian Association of Visual Artists of Canada.
Member of various art associations:
- Pastel Artists of Ontario (1986)
- Society of Canadian Artists (1987)
- Portrait Society of America (1999)
Solo exhibitions at the Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundation (1997) and the A.B. Art Studio (1987-1992).
Has participated in many group exhibits at public and private galleries in Canada, the U.S. and abroad. Among these was "Freedom" in Detroit, commemorating the fifth anniversary of Ukraine's independence (1996). He was a finalist in the international Poster Competition in pastel technique at the second International Artists Pastel Society Convention in Kansas City (1997). At the third Convention (1999) he was showcased in the magazine Pastel Artist International (Sept-Oct 1999) as master pastellist of the world.
Andrij Babytsch is a colorist. His medium is oil or pastel; his subject - mostly portraits or landscapes. In his landscapes, the tones and shades of colour fix his feelings onto the canvas. His portraits have well-defined spectra of color, a simplicity of execution without excess detail but unexpected in their intention.