Walter Nazarewicz, President Ukrainian Institute of America Ambassador William vanden Heuvel,
Co-chair Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute

Tuesday March 1, 2005 6PM

Ukrainian Institute of America
2 East 79th Street, New York, NY

We invite you to take part in a discussion on the Yalta Conference in 1945 and its legacy sixty years later. Our distinguished panelists will examine the impact of the Tripartite Meeting from an Eastern European perspective. The dramatic recent developments in Eastern Europe - Polish,Czech and Baltic membership in the EC and NATO; Orange Revolution in Ukraine; an evolving relation and a new sense of cooperation between Russia and a newly enlarged EC - shed new light on the historic meeting in Crimea when the prospect of a Europe free from Nazi tyranny was in sight. Please stay for wine and hors d'oeuvres and a chance to meet our panelists and other distinguished guests.


Adrian Karatnycky, Counselor and Senior Scholar and former
President of Freedom House


Prof.essor Charles Gati, School of Advanced International Studies,
Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC,
and a Fellow of the John Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute.
Former Senior Advisor U.S. Department of State

Dr. Vojtech Mastny, Senior Research Fellow,
National Security Archives at George Washington University
and coordinator of the Parallel History Project
on NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

Professor John Micgiel,
Director of East European Center Columbia University

Dr. David Woolner, Executive Director of
the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
and Professor of Marist College

Mr. Hoydysh & Mr. Karatnycky