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“Ukrainian Historical Encounters Series” Special Event: The Ukrainian Experience in 1945 – A 75th Year Retrospective
September 26, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Prime Venue: Ukrainian Institute of America
Webinar Coordinator: Andrij Dobriansky (UCCA)
Webinar Moderator: Wolodymyr Zaryckyj (CUSUR)
10:00 am – 10:25 am — Focus Session I: Forum Word of Welcome
Host: Ukrainian Institute of America President Kathy Nalywaiko
First Word: Consul General of Ukraine Oleksii Holubov
10:25 am – 11:55 am — Discussion Session I: The Ukrainian Experience Points West of Ukraine (1945)
Chair: Alexander Motyl [Rutgers University]
Topic One: Ukrainians as Ost-arbiters and Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates
Presenter: Olesya Isayuk [Center for the Study of the UA Liberation Movement]
Topic Two: Ukrainians Serving with the Allied Military Forces
Presenter: Lubomyr Luciuk [Royal Military College of Canada]
Topic Three: Ukrainians in the ‘Western Diaspora’
Presenter: Laryssa Kyj [Rowan University/United Ukrainian American Relief Committee]
11:55 am – 12:30 pm — Focus Session II: Taking Note of the 75thAnniversary of the ‘Ukrainian Quarterly’
Chair: Ukrainian National Association Treasurer Roma Lisovich
Featured Speaker: Ukrainian Quarterly Chief Editor Ihor Dlaboha
12:30 pm – 2:10 pm — Discussion Session II — The Ukrainian Experience in Ukraine and Points East (1945)
Chair: Lubomyr Hajda [Harvard University]
Topic One: Ukrainians in Western Ukraine – Civilian Life/Military Formations (1945)
Presenter: Ivan Patrilyak [Taras Shevchenko University]
Topic Two: Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine – Civilian Life/Military Formations (1945)
Presenter: Hennadi Ivanuschenko [Ukrainian Information Service]
Topic Three: Ukrainians in the Various GULAGS of the Soviet Union (1945)
Presenter: Lesya Bondaryk [Institute of National Memory]
Special Word About the Crimean Tatars by the Chair
2:10 pm – 2:45 pm — Discussion Session III — Ukrainians in Allied Displaced Persons Camps (1945)
Chair: Albert Kipa [Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences]
Featured Speaker: Taras Hunczak [Rutgers University]
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm — Focus Session III: A Final Word on the Subject
Closing Remarks: Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod
Ukrainian Institute of America
Ukrainian National Association
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukrainian American Bar Association
Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences
Shevchenko Scientific Society
Center for US-Ukrainian Relations
Kathy Nalywaiko
Kathy Nalywajko is a Managing Director at MAI Capital Management. For over 25 years, Kathy has worked directly with high net worth individuals, business owners, corporate executives and their families to create customized paths for protecting and growing their wealth, often across multiple generations. She has expertise in investment planning and implementation, financial planning, intergenerational wealth transfer, philanthropy, risk management and business succession planning. Community-minded, Kathy volunteers her time and expertise at various not-for-profit organizations. She currently serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Institute of America, the Advisory Boards of the New York Common Pantry and Pace University’s College of Health Professions, and is also Chair of the Board of ACG Cares New York.
Oleksiy Holubov
Oleksii Holubov is presently the Consul General of Ukraine in New York. A veteran diplomat with various Foreign Ministry postings starting in the early 1990s, Consul Holubov in the 2015-2018 period took on responsibilities closer to home, first as Deputy Head, Office of the President of Ukraine and then as Deputy Head of the Department for Strategic Planning and Operational Support, Administration of the President of Ukraine. Since taking up his present post, he has been tireless in his work to improve ties between the US and Ukraine as well as links between the Ukrainian American ‘Hromada’ and ‘Krai’.
Alexander Motyl
Alexander J. Motyl is professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. He served as associate director of the Harriman Institute at Columbia University from 1992 to 1998. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia, and the USSR, and on nationalism, revolutions, empires, and transition state theory, Dr. Motyl is the author of Pidsumky imperii; Puti imperii; Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires; Revolutions, Nations, Empires: Conceptual Limits and Theoretical Possibilities; Dilemmas of Independence: Ukraine after Totalitarianism; Sovietology, Rationality, Nationality: Coming to Grips with Nationalism in the USSR; Will the Non‐Russians Rebel? State, Ethnicity, and Stability in the USSR; and the editor of more than ten volumes, including The Encyclopedia of Nationalism.
Olesia Isayuk
Olesya Isayuk graduated from the Faculty of History of Lviv National University in 2009; in early 2016, she defended her dissertation for the title of Doctor of Humanities on the subject of “Lviv University during the First World War” in Lublin (Poland). Since 2011, Dr. Isayuk has been working at the Center for Liberation Movement Studies, and since 2012 she has also been a researcher at the National Museum-Memorial “Lontsky Prison”. In 2015, she published a popular biography of Roman Shukhevych. Since 2015, she has been researching the subject of Ukrainians as victims of the punitive system of the Third Reich; she is currently working on a list of Ukrainian Auschwitz prisoners and the formation and operation of a network of resistance among Ukrainian political prisoners in Auschwitz. Her research interests also include relations between the nationalist underground, the civilian population and the armies of the two totalitarian regimes on Ukrainian soil in the final stages of World War II and Nazi occupation of Western Ukraine. She has published a number of scientific/popular science articles and is the co-author of the exhibition “Human Triumph: Residents of Ukraine Who Survived Nazi Concentration Camps” (Kyiv, 2018-2019).
Lubomyr Luciuk
Lubomyr Luciuk is a professor of political geography at The Royal Military College of Canada. The author, editor, or co-editor of 31 books, and of hundreds of opinion editorials published in every major Canadian newspaper and abroad, Dr Luciuk has been an active member of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association since its inception in 1983 and has served as “project lead” for a number of its most important projects, including honouring Ukrainian Canadian veterans of the Second World War with a memorial plaque in London, England and, more recently, by unveiling a commemorative stained-glass window at St James’s, the parish church of Paddington, titled Heroes of Their Day. A former member of the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund, and of the Ukrainian Canadian Veterans Fund, he played an instrumental role in honouring Corporal Filip Konowal, the only Ukrainian Canadian to have been distinguished with the Victoria Cross for his valour during the Battle of Hill 70 at Loos-en-Gohelle, France, during the Great War. The central pathway up to the memorial unveiled there in 2017 is the Konowal Walk, described in English, French and Ukrainian. In 2019, Dr Luciuk was honoured by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, with the Cross of Ivan Mazepa for his many contributions to Ukraine and within the diaspora.
Larysa Kyj
Larysa Kyj spent three decades as professor in the Accounting department at Rowan University; despite her often arduous teaching schedule, she devoted much time researching and writing about issues of economic efficiency in the post Soviet space, and particularly in Ukraine. Currently, Dr. Laryssa Kyj is President of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC-ZUDAK). In addition to directing the operations of the institution, she has relentlessly campaigned on its behalf, constantly highlighting how ZUDAK has coordinated large scale humanitarian efforts, to the tune of $50M to $75M in aid to Ukraine, over the course of its existence (1944-2020).
Roma Lisovich
Roma Lisovich presently serves as Treasurer of the Ukrainian National Association..Under her leadership and that of the current president, Mr. Stefan Kaczaraj, the UNA, the oldest of the Ukrainian American Hromada’s organizations (established 1894), has been revitalized and is set to take on the various challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. An avid ‘Hromada’ historian, she has assembled on the premises of the UNA one of the finest archives of Ukrainian-American life (1894-2020) available. Prior to her work with the UA-AM community, Ms. Lisovich held several high level corporate posts with responsibilities in the international section at Corestates Bank (now Wells Fargo) and First Fidelity Bank.
Ihor Dlaboha
Ihor Dlaboha is editor of The Ukrainian Quarterly, published by the UCCA since 1944. He is a journalist, foreign policy pundit, and blogger on Ukraine and US foreign policy –The Torn Curtain 1991as well as NGOs and small businesses. He was editor of Ukrainian American publications such as The Ukrainian Weekly and The National Tribune as well as U.S. business-to-business publications. In 1998 he launched the Ukrainian Broadcasting Network, the world’s first satellite radio and television network between North America and Ukraine. He was a staff member of the United Nations Department of Public Information / Non-Governmental Organizations section, where he was the focal point of the annual global UN DPI/NGO Conferences for civil society. He also worked with non-governmental organizations in organizing global events at the United Nations. A graduate of the City College of New York and The New School, he is a former faculty member of The New School and Hofstra University. He has been active in Ukrainian American civic affairs since the early 1970s.
Lubomyr Hajda
Lubomyr Hajda recently retired as Senior Advisor to the Director of the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University; for more than two decades, he was HURI’s Associate Director. A historian with a Ph.D. from Harvard University, he has taught at Harvard and the University of Massachusetts- Amherst. From 1978 to 1992, Dr. Hajda held the position of Academic Coordinator of Harvard’s Master’s program in Soviet studies. Among his publications are the entry on Ukrainian history in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed.), The Nationalities Factor in Soviet Politics and Society (with Mark Beissinger), and Ukraine in the World: Studies in the International Relations and Security Structure of a Newly Independent State.
Ivan Patryliak
Ivan Patryliak is currently serving his second term as Dean of the Faculty of History at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; he has been a faculty member of Ukraine’s most prestigious academy of higher learning since 2000, having earlier completed both his undergraduate and graduate studies at the self same institution. HIs kandikat’s thesis (PhD equivalent), defended in 1998, dealt with the “Military Aspects of OUN(B) Activity 1940-1942“; his Doctor of the Sciences dissertation, defended in 2012, explored the “Activities of UPA and OUN(B) During World War II Years“. Over the years at the National University of Kyiv, Dr. Patryliak has occupied the positions of junior academic researcher, academic researcher, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor and director of the University’s history museum. His academic interests include: the History of Ukraine in World War II; the History of Ukraine’s Liberation Struggles; the History of the National University of Kyiv; he has authored or co-authored over 200 publications
Hennadi Ivanuschenko
Hennadiy Ivanushchenko was the Director of the State Archives of Sumy Oblast from 2005 through the end of 2010. During his tenure all 57,000 official records of deaths due to the Holodomor in Sumy Oblast were digitized – the only State Archives to have achieved such progress. Mr. Ivanushchenko is also a Member of the Academic Council for the Center to Study the Liberation Movement of Ukraine. He served as a Consulting Archivist to the Ukrainian Information Service in London, a Guest Researcher at the Ukrainian Museum Archive in Cleveland and a Researcher for the Ucrainica Research Institute of Toronto.
Lesya Bondaryk
Larysa Bondaryk is currently employed as a researcher at the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. Having completed her Candidate of Historical Sciences thesis, she worked for a number of years as a journalist in the newspapers “Way of Victory” (1999-2004) and “Volyn-Nova” (2012-2015). Concurrently, p. Larysa had her articles published in numerous publications abroad, including the National Tribune (New York), Free Thought (Sydney), the Liberation Way (London), and Thresholds (Prague). During that period she authored a number of works on Ukrainian uprisings in the Gulag, including a monograph on “Mykhailo Soroka“, for which, in 2003, she received the International Literary Prize of the Volyanyk-Schwabinski Foundation at the Foundation of the Ukrainian Free University. For a time, she doubled as an educator, teaching history at the gymnasium № 14 in Lutsk and at the Volyn Institute of Economics and Management (2008-2013). In 2009-2011, she headed an educational/informational project entitled: “Routes of Generations”, which operated under the program “Meeting Place – Dialogue” funded by the Foundation “Memory, Responsibility, Future” (Germany) and co-authored a popular guide “Generation Routes: Heroic Paths of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Volyn“.
Albert Kipa
Albert Kipa is Muhlenberg College’s Professor Laureate (Emeritus) and former Chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (1989-1993; 1997-2004). He specializes in Germano-Slavic literary and cultural relations and is the author or co-author of studies/reviews in his field. Dr. Kipa has been the recipient of Fulbright and NEH grants, as well as Goethe Institute/AATG, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and the Ukrainian Free University’s merit awards. From 1980 to 1982 he served on a National Advisory Council to the U.S. Department of Education. Currently he serves as president of The Ukrainian Academy of Arts & Sciences in the U.S. and is a Fellow of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
Taras Hunczak
Taras Hunczak is Professor of History Emeritus and a onetime Chair of the Dept. of History. He spent nearly 45 years teaching various courses linked to his beloved subjects at Rutgers University: History of Eastern Europe, World War II, Intellectual and Social History, History of the Soviet Union, Poland, Russia and Ukraine as well as a very popular course entitled The Development of Western Civilization; as a supplement to teaching, he participated in myriad conferences and researched numerous topics dealing with Eastern Europe in the 20th century. On the basis of his research, Professor Hunczak has authored several books, such as Ukraine: the first half of the 20th century (Kyiv 1993), U mundyrakh voroha (Kyiv 1993), Moyi spohady-Stezhky zhyttia and Ukraina XX stolittia (Kyiv 2005), Symon Petliura and the Jews – A Reappraisal (Ukrainian Historical Association 2008)and “Ukraine in the 20th& 21st Centuries: The Unending Complexities of Survival”; additionally, he has edited or co-edited Russian Imperialism; Ukraine 1917-1921—A Study in Revolution; Ukraine and Poland in Documents; UPA in the Light of German Documents (“Litopys UPA” vols 6&7) and (with Dmytro Shtohryn) Ukraine—The Challenges of World War II.
Paul Grod
Paul Grod presently serves as the President of the Ukrainian World Congress; he was elected to the post in November 2018. Over the last three decades, he has been involved in a number of ‘Hromada’ community organizations including the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (past president), Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (past President), Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association, Ukrainian Youth Association and the League of Ukrainian Canadians. Concurrently, Mr. Grod is President & CEO of Rodan Energy, a leading provider of energy management and smart grid solutions. He was previously a corporate and investment banker with CIBC World Markets and practiced corporate finance and M&A law with Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP.